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Illustration of <i>Cichorium intybus</i> L. 
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Cichorium intybus L.
Common name: Chicory, blue sailors, coffeeweed, common chicory, succory

From A supplement to Medical botany, or, Part the second : containing plates with descriptions of most of the principal medicinal plants not included in the materia medica of the collegiate pharmacopoeias of London and Edinburgh : accompanied with a circumstan

This web site, presented by the Missouri Botanical Garden Library and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, features
131 volumes from our Rare Book collection. Using the buttons above, you can view the 51,636 pages and 12,670 botanical illustrations in this collection.

NOTE: All content from this web site has been migrated to Botanicus, the Missouri Botanical Garden's digital library portal, online at http://www.botanicus.org. These pages will persist as a historical archive, but will not be updated. New volumes are regularly added to Botanicus.

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