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Herbarium Blackwellianum emendatum et auctum, id est,Elisabethae Blackwell collectio stirpium : quae in pharmacopoliis ad medicum usum asseruantur, quarum descriptio et vires ex Anglico idiomate in Latinum conversae sistuntur figurae maximam partem ad naturale exemplar emendantur floris fructusque partium repraesentatione augentur et probatis botanicorum nominibus illustrentur. Cum praefatione Tit. Pl. D.D. Christophori Iacobi Trew ; excudit figuras pinxit atque in aes incidit Nicolaus Fridericus Eisenbergerus ...  Volume 2 of 3

Navigate through book: Introduction | VolumesBibliographic Information | View Pages | Structure | List of Illustrations | View in Botanicus

 Click on the links below to view an image of each page.
 paste-down endpaper
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 free endpaper verso
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 title page German - View in detail
 title page Latin - View in detail
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 querelis sinem
 specierum expositio
 dationes propterea
 xlus latiores
 tamen et
 cortex Winteranus
 rum umbellata
 seripione p.
 eos circum
 Nota. Fertiles
 I. Haee
 Nota. Cum
 enim omnia
 latere fig
 in Diosc
 TAB. 221
 I. Caulis
 I. Caulis
 gatiuam concedit
 4. NOM
 Nota. Huius
 TAB. 847
 tiolis inftructa
 dimus nes
 Nota. Quum
 eur. Caulis
 gesta fingularis
 Riv. mon
 sruelus rudimento
 aus Dem
 dum fig
 Singulum amentum
 ferius autem
 nentes fig
 capparidum inftar
 tantum minorem
 sunt, soliolum
 squamata, ante
 hoc contigerit
 Lonic. 178
 4. NOM.
 quiuis exsola
 3. Radices
 melches mir
 1. Caulis
 dem, et
 bet oblonga
 quas non
 ratione nimirum
 Eruca palustris
 3. Radix
 ad peripheriam
 uersorum colorum
 I. Caulis
 Nota. Ita
 tionem producit
 bus eminent
 mit dier
 cber an
 Lutea vel
 Nota. Parum
 Nota. Quae
 Nota. Huius
 Segu. Ver.
 cum quatuor
 folio integro
 tur i
 I. Caules
 Magistrantia 279
 Rogmuns 292
 Hepatique d
 verso, blank
 frontispiece - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 201 Tamarindas 1.Bluthe 2.Frucht 3.Fern - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 202 Dactilus Palma 1.Scheidemit der Bluthe 2.Frucht 3.Fern - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 203 Abies mas 1-5.Blume 6-9.Frucht 10.11.Saame 12-14.Blatter - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 204 Tussilago Farsara 1-12.Bluthe 13.Frucht 14.15.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl.205 Aquisolium 1.Bluthe 2.Frucht 3.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 206 Cortex Winteranus 1.Frucht 2.gedroctnete Winde - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 207 Hepatica nobilis 1-11.Bluthe 12.13.Frucht 14.16.Saame 17-21.Blatter - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 208 I.II. Orobus Venetus III. Orobus. 1-11.Bluthe 12.13.Frucht 14.15.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 209 Carobe. Siliqua. 1-5.Bluthe 6.7.Frucht 8-10.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 210 Arbor vitae 1.manliche Bluthe 2.meibliche Bluthe 3.Frucht - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 211 Thymus 1.2.Bluthe 3.Frucht 4.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 212 Paronychia rutaceo folio 1.2.Bluthe 3.Frucht 4.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 213 Olea Sylvestris Oleaster 1.Frucht - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 214 Sabina 1.Frucht 2.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 215 Polypodium quercinum 1.Frucht 2.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 216 Alplenium Ceterach Scolopendria. 1.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 217 Cauda equina 1-4.Bluthen Stengel 5-8.manliche Bluthen 9.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 218 Cochlearia Britannica marina 1.Bluthe 2.Frucht 3.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 219 Adianthum album 1.vordere Feite 2.hintere Feite des Blats - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 220 Adiantum nigrum 1.der Kucten der Blatter mit der Frucht - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 221 Tamarindus indica orientalis 1.Bluthe 2.3.Frucht 4.Saame 5.ein abgefonder fes Blatlein - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 222 Petasites 1-5.Bluthe 6.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 223 Cardamine 1-3.Bluthe 9.10.Frucht 11.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 224 Napus sylvestris 1-8.Bluthe 9.10.Frucht 11.12.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 225 Hedera terrestris 1-8.Bluthe 9.10.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 226 Paralysis 1-9.Bluthe 10-16.Frucht 17-19.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl.227 Cochlearia Batava 1-5.Bluthe 6-10.Frucht 11.12.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl.228 Arum I.II.III.Bluthe IV.V.Frucht 3-5.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 229 Aloe vulgaris 1-5.Bluthe 6.Frucht 7.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 230 Acetosa 1-6. manliche Bluthe 7-11.meibliche Bluthe 12-18.Frucht 19-21.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 231 Rapum 1-7.Bluthe 8.Frucht 9.10.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 232 Sedum minimum 1-5.Bluthe 6-9.Frucht 10.11.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl.233 Alphodelus verus luteus. Hasta regia. 1.Blume 2.Frucht 3.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 234 Buglossum sylvestre 1.2.Bluthe 3.Frucht 4.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 235 Beta ruba vel nigra 1-6.Bluthe 7.Frucht 8.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 236 Chaeresolium 1-6.Bluthe 7.8. Frucht 9.10.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 237 Fumaria 1-9.Bluthe 10.11.Frucht 12.13.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 238 Asphodelus verus albus 1.Bluthe 2.Frucht 3.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 239 Doronicum Romanorum 1.2. Bluthe 3.Frucht 4.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 240 Betula 1-5.Bluthe 6.Frucht 7.8.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 241 Stoechas arabica vel purpurea 1-18. Blume 19.Frucht 20.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 242 Eruca 1-6.Bluthe 7-10.Frucht 11.12.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 243 Myrrhis 1.Bluthe 2.Frucht 3.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 144 Genista 1-13.Bluthe 14-16.Frucht 17-18.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 245 Paeonia mas 1.Blume 2.Frucht 3.4.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 246 Hatis 1.Bluthe 2.Calix 3.4.Frucht 5.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 247 Iuglans 1-7.manliche Bluthe 8-9.meibliche Bluthe 10-14.Frucht 15-17.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 248 Populus nigra 1-5.Bluthe 6.Frucht 7.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 249 Cynoglossum 1-3.Bluthe 4.Frucht 5.6.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 250 Valeriana seu Phu 1.Bluthe 2.Same - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 251 Polygonatum et Sigillum Salomonis 1-4.Bluthe 5.6.Frucht 7.8.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 252 Symphytum Consolida major 1-7.Bluthe 8.Frucht 9.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 253 Caryophyllata 1-9.Bluthe 10-14.Frucht 15.16.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 254 Bistorta 1.2.Bluthe 3.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 255 Aristolochia dematitis 1-7.Bluthe 8-10.Frucht 11.Saame 12.Murkel - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 256 Aristolochia rotunda 1-7.Bluthe 8.Frucht 9.Saame 10.Murkel - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 257 Aristochia longa 1.Bluthe 2.Frucht 3.Saame 4.Murkel - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 258 Horminum Sylvestre 1.2.Bluthe 3.Frucht. 4.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 259 Ranunculus palustris 1.2.Bluthe 3.Frucht 4.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 260 Nasturtium aquaticum 1-7.Bluthe 8.Frucht 9.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 261 Acorus adulterinus 1.Blume 2.Frucht 3.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 262 Rhaponticum 1-4.Bluthe 5-7.Frucht 8-10.Saame 11.12.Murkel - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 263 Cotyledon 1.2.Bluthe 3.4.Frucht 5.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 264 Fragacantha 1-3.Bluthe 4.Frucht 5.Saame 6.7.Meis-u gether Fragant - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 265 Staphis agria 1-14.Blume 15-18.Frucht 19-21.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 266 Eruca Sylvestris 1.Blume 2.Frucht 3.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 267 Sassafras 1.Bluthe 2.Frucht 3.Dolk 4.Rinde - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 268 Behen album 1-7.Bluthe 8-12.Frucht 13.14.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 269 Dracontium 1.Bluthe 2.3.Frucht 4.Saame 5.Murkel - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 269 B Dracontium - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 270 Cyanus minor 1-14.Blume 15.16.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 271 Valeriana Sylvestris 1-5.Bluthe 6-11.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 272 Aster Atticus luteus 1.Blume 2.abgefondert Blumlem 3.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 273 Panax Coloni 1.2.Bluthe 3.Frucht 4.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 274 Anagallis terrestris foemina 1.Frucht 2.3.4.Frucht 5.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 275 Levisticum 1.Bluthe 2.3.Saame 4.Murkel - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 276 Ptarmica 1.Bluthe 2.abgefonderte Blumlem 3.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 277 Grossularia 1-4.Bluthe 5-10.Frucht 11-13.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 278 Lysimachia 1.Bluthe 2.Frucht 3.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 279 Imperatoria 1.Bluthe 2.Frucht 3.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 280 Origanum 1.2.3.Bluthe 4.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 281 Armeniaca 1.Bluthe 2.Frucht 3.Reuk 4.Fern - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 282 Lupinus 1.Bluthe 2.Schotte 3.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 283 Luteola 1-7.Bluthe 8-10.Frucht 11.12.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 284 Lotus Urbana 1-12.Bluthe 13-15.Frucht 16.17.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 285 Ribes 1-4.Bluthe 5-10.Frucht 11.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 286 Herba Paris 1-5.Bluthe 6.7.Frucht 8.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 287 Portulaca 1.Bluthe 2.Frucht 3.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 288 Foeniculum 1-5.Bluthe 6-9.Frucht 10.Saame 11.Murkel - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 289 Rubus idaeus 1-7.Bluthe 8-12.Frucht 13.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 290 Mentha 1-7.Bluthe 8.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 291 Mentha Piperis Sapore 1-8.Bluthe 9.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 292 Menthastrum 1.2.Bluthe 3.Frucht 4.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 293 Corylus 1.2.Bluthe 3.Frucht 4.Fern - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 294 Lavendula 1-6.Bluthe 7.8.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 295 Spica latifolia 1-6.Bluthe 7.8.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 296 Hyfsopus 1-5.Bluthe 6.7.Frucht 8.9.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 297 Eryngium 1-7.Bluthe 8.9.Saame 11.Murkel - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 298 Chamaemelum 1-10.Blume 11.Saame 12.Murkel - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 299 Echium 1-7.Bluthe 8-10.Frucht 11.13.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 300 Ageratum 1-3.Bmolf Blumlein in emem Becher ben fammen 4-11.einoelme Blumlein - View in detail
 verso, blank
 recto, blank
 title page German - View in detail
 title page Latin - View in detail
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 dunt: fed
 teft. Dantur
 quis ex
 tiliter crenata
 Morif. H.
 Nota. Haec
 4. NOM.
 ftituant genus
 rata dicenda
 fagia facienda
 qui in
 TAB. 311
 4. NOM
 monophyllus, longus
 Nota. Blackuuelliana
 merantur oeto
 TAB. 317
 adv. 182
 nonnullos, quatuor
 ne albido
 fig. 11
 pofita digitata
 et licet
 5. NOM.
 eft bacca
 funt et
 oppofita duo
 Nota. Caulis
 petiolo infiftentia
 Nota. Tamarifci
 mine craffori
 eingitur. Summitati
 cauliferum, concauum
 Aa laciniarum
 TAB. 337
 Etaubfaben, iebocb
 reliquis maiorem
 vt in
 I. Planta
 3. Easdem
 terea ramulorum
 habitare, neutiquam
 ouata fig
 TAB. 347
 4. nom
 fruelusque fubrotundus
 venerea, vt
 minus conulolutum
 expanfum, in
 TAB 355
 Fig. 4.
 quahuitl. propofuit
 Nota. Quae
 tant. Haec
 Nota. Prout
 alia feminae
 TAB. 366
 tanis febribus
 FROY in
 TAB. 371
 genus, nomine
 res particulas
 TAB. 375
 Horum autem
 vulgaris flore
 Herm. Lugd
 caulefcens quidem
 tium dederit
 I. Caules
 Afarum folis
 quandoque latiora
 5. NOM.
 2. IN
 fchatae fimili
 lata, duas
 4. NOM.
 Nota. Dubia
 lineationem ex
 minimug quinquifidus
 2. Crefcit in
 Rai Hift
 certe tubis
 Muiella kua
 Euforbio 339
 frontispiece verso
 Illustration of Pl. 301 Anonis 1-15.Bluthe 16-19.Frucht 20.21 Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 302 Pulegium 1-8.Bluthe 9.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 303 Pulegium erectum 1.2.Bluthe 3.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 304 Pulegium cervinum 1-9.Bluthe 10.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 305 Prunis Damascena 1-3.Bluthe 4.Frucht 5.Ruk 6.Fern - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 306 Acetosa Romana 1-6.Bluthe 7.Frucht 8.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 307 Acetosa arvensis 1-6.Bluthe 7.Frucht 8.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 308 Lujula 1-3.Bluthe 4.Frucht 5.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 309 Alcea 1-9.Bluthe 10-11.Frucht 12-18.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 310 Harmel 1.Bluthe 2.3.Frucht 4.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 311 Mercurialis 1.Bluthe 2.Frucht 3.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 312 Iberis 1.Bluthe 2.Frucht 3.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 313 Stramonium 1-4. Bluthe 5-8.Frucht 9.10. Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 314 Botrys 1.Bluthe 2.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 315 Polygonum 1-7.Bluthe 8-10. Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 316 Cyperus longus 1.Bluthe 2.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 317 Amaranthus 1.Bluthe 2.Frucht 3.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 318 Satureia Iurior 1-4.Bluthe 5.Frucht 6.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 319 Majorana 1-10.Bluthe 11.Frucht 12.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 320 Herniaria 1-3.Bluthe 4.Frucht 5.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 321 Urtica Romana 1.2.Bluthe 3-6.Frucht 7.8.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 322a Cannabis foemina 1-3.Frucht 4.5.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 322b Cannabis mas 1.2.3.Bluthe - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 223 Filix mas 1.Blatter von der obern Feite 2.von der untern Feite 3.Murkel - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 324 Filix florida 1.2.Bluthe und Saame 3.Murkel - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 325 Filix foemina 1.Blat 2.Murkel - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 326 Rubia tinctorum 1-7.Bluthe 8.9.Frucht 10.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 327 Salix 1-5.Manliche Bluthe 6-8.Weibliche Bluthe 9-12.Frucht 13.14.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 328 Fraxinus 1.2.Bluthe 3.4.Frucht 5.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 329 Melo 1.Blume 2.Frucht 3.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 330 Castanea 1-5.manliche Bluthe 6-9.meiblithe Bluthe 10.Frucht 11.12.Ruk - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 331 Tamariscus 1-5.Bluthe 6.7.Frucht 8.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 332 Asparagus 1-3.Burkel und Sproffen 4-11.Bluthe 12-14.Frucht 15.16.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 333 Aloe Sucotrina 1.Blume 2.Frucht 3.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 334 Auricula Iudae 1.em alter Doffer oder Doffinder Stoct 2.Fchmame von aufen 3.von men - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 335 Muscus Pulmonarius 1.Kinde von der Eiche 2.ober Flache 3.unter Flache 4.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 336 Lichen cinereus 1.Die obere Flache 2.Die intere Flache 3.Saame 4.Cin Stuct Erdemmo rauf es machft - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 337 Coffee 1-5.Bluthe 6.7.Frucht 8-13.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 338 Caryophyllus aromaticus 1.2.Bluthe 3.4.Frucht 5.Fern - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 339 Euporbium verum Antiquorum 1.Bluthe 2.Frucht 3-5.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 340 Euphorbium 1.2.3.Bluthe und unreife Frucht - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 341a Corallum rubrum - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 341b Corallium rubrum cortice et floribus - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 342 1.Corallium verum album 2,3.Corallium Officinarum 1.Wahre Beife Lorallen 2.3.Beife Corallen der Noothecter - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 343 Corallium album 1.Beife Eorall 2.Beife Corall der Framer - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 344 Corallium nigrum - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 345 Acacia 1.2.Bluthe 3.Frucht 4.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 346 Abrotanum foemina 1-9.Blume 10.11.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 347 Camphora - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 348 Piper nigrum - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 349 Aurantia 1-8.Bluthe 9.Frucht 10.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 350 1.2.Lignum vitae ex Iamaica 3.4. ex Brafilia 1.2.Guajacum 1.2.Fransofen Dolk aus Famaica 3.4. aus Brafilien - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 351 Thea et Thea Sinensis 1.Bluthe 2.Frucht 3.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 352 Thea frutex Bontii Chaa 1.Bluthe 2.3.Frucht 4.offene Frucht 5.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 353 Nux Moschata 1.Eine unreife Frucht 2.Eine reiffe Frucht 3.Eben diefe geoffnet 4.Eine Ruk famt feiner Blinne 5.Ein Stucf von der fo ge nanten Rufcat Blume 6.Eine Ruk mit der Schale 7.Eine geoffnete Schale 8.Mufcat Ruk Beiblein 9.Meufcat Ruk Manlein - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 354 Cinamomum 1.Bluthe 2.Frucht 3.ein Stuct vom Stam des Baums 4.die ausmendige Rinde 5.6.die mm endige Rinde oder Simet 7.Sas Dolk imter der Simet - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 355 Piper Iamaicense 1.Ein Bufchel von Fruchten 2.eine Frucht affeine 3.Saame - View in detail
 verso, blank
 Illustration of Pl. 356 Piper longum 1.2.3.Dern BaronetBans Sloans langer Bfeffer 4.5.6.Der Bramer langer Bfeffer - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 357 Bombax 1-7. Bluthe 8-15.Frucht 14-19. Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl.358 Draco Arbor 1.aus dem Shellea Barten 2.aus dem clufnis 3-5.Bluthe 6.Frucht 7. in naturlicher grofe - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 359 Asarum Cyclaminis folio 1.Bluthe 2.Frucht 3.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 360 Agnus Scythycus Borometz - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 361 Citria Malus 1-7.Bluthe 8.9.Frucht 10.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 362 Limonia Malus 1.Bluthe 2.Frucht 3.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 363 Palma oleosa 1.der Gipfel des Baims vertleinert von Derrn Dank Sloan 2.eintheil von dem Stam3.imterer 4.oberer Theil eines grimen Blats 5.die Frucht 6.offene Fchahle 7.der Fern mit einem theil der Fchale - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 364 Mandragora 1.Bluthe 2-5.Frucht 6.7.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 365 Pilosella 1.2.Bluthe 3. ein einselnes Blumlein 4.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 366 Sedum majurs 1-5.Bluthe 6-11.Frucht 12.13.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 367 Adianthum vulgare 1.Stiel mit der obern Feite der Blatter 2.mit der imtern Feite oder Kucten der Blatter 3.ein aus gebreitetes Blattlein mit den Saamen auf Kucten - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 368 Linum catharticum 1-8.Bluthe 10.11.Frucht 12.13.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 369 Anacardium Occidentalc 1.2.Bluthe 3.Apfelmit der Ruk 4.eine geofnete Ruk 5.der Fern - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 370 Frichomanes 1.obere Flache der Blatter 2.imtere Flache der Blatter mit dem Saamen - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 371 Amomum verum 1.Ein Bufchel Fruchte 2.eine geofnete Frucht 3.die vereinigte Saamen von oben 4.von imten 5.Bertheilt - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 372 Alliaria 1.2.Bluthe 3.Schote 4.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 373 Cacao Caeavate 1.2.Bluthe 3.4.Frucht 5-8.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 374 Anisum 1-5.Bluthe 6.7.bende Saamen vereiniget - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 375 Polytrichum aureum 1-4.Bluthe 5-8.Frucht 9.10.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 376 Pulmonaria maculosa 1-4.Bluthe 5-7.Frucht 8.9.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 377 Acacia 1.Bluthe 2.Fchote 3.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 378 Endivia 1-3.Blume 4.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 379 Pastinaca 1-4.Bluthe 5.6.Frucht 7-11.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 380 Lens palustris 1.im Baffer Fchmimend 2.imter fich vereingt 3.Bertheilet 4.5.vergrofert von oben imd imten - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 381 Cafsia fistularis 1.Bluthe 2.3.Frucht 4.Fern - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 382 Petroselinum Macedonicum 1.Bluthe 2.Frucht 3.4.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 383 Asarim 1-5.Bluthe 6.7.Frucht 8.9.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 384 Foenium Graecum 1-11.Bluthe 12-16.Frucht 17.18.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 385 Cardamomum majus minus et maximum vel Grana Paradisi 1.Bluthe des Fleinern Lardamoms 2.Frucht von grofern 3.Vom Fleinern 4.vom Groften oder Bardadis Bornern 5.offene Frucht 6.Saame von den 3.arten - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 386 Balanus Myrepsica 1.Bluthe 2.3.Frucht 4.Kern - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 387 Areca 1.2.Frucht 3.4.Kern - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 388 Iujuba Indica 1.Bluthe 2.3.Frucht - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 389 Natsjatam 1-3.Bluthe 4.Frucht 5-9.aus dem Kramladen 10.Fern - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 390 Pyrethrum 1-3.Blime 4.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 391 Cassia lignea 1.Bluthe 2.Frucht 3.4.die Frucht alleine 5.Fern 6.Bimmet - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 392 Coddam-pulli et Carcapuli 1.Bluthe 2.Frucht 3.Saame - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 393 Smilax aspera Peruvana 1.Bluthe 2.3.Frucht 4.Saame 5.ein Stuct von der Murkel - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 394 Costus amarus et Dulcis 1.Bluthe 2.3.Frucht 4.Saame 5.Bittere und fuke Murkel von Kramern - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 395 Nux vomica in Officinis 1.2.Bluthe 3.4.Frucht 5.Saame oder Ruk - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 396 Curcuma 1.2.Bluthe 3.4.Murkel von Framern - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 397 Turpethum 1.Bluthe 2.Murkel 3.Murkel nach den leben - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 398 Sebesten et Myxa 1.Bluthe 2.Frucht 3.4.Ruk 5.Frucht 6.Dulfe 7.Ruk 8.Fern - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 399 Fedoaria 1.Blume 2.Blatter 3.4.Murkel - View in detail
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 Illustration of Pl. 400 Mycrobalanus Emblica 1.Bluthe 2-4.7.Frucht 5.8.Ruk 9.fechs theile der Ruk 10.Fern - View in detail
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