Medical botany : containing systematic and general descriptions, with plates, of all the medicinal plants, indigenous and exotic, comprehended in the catalogues of the materia medica, as published by the Royal Colleges of Physicians of London and Edinburgh : accompanied with a circumstantial detail of their medicinal effects, and of the diseases in which they have been most successfully employed / by William Woodville ... . Volume 3 of 4
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Published: London : Printed and sold for the author by James Phillips ... , 1790-1793.
William Woodville was an English physician and botanist who lived and worked in
London for most of his life. For his work in botany, he was made a Fellow of the
Linnaean Society just a year after the publication of volume one of his Medical
Botany. This classic work containing descriptions and commentaries of the
medical plants listed in the Materia Medica of London and Edinburgh was published
in 1790 and followed by two more volumes and a supplement-1792-1794. The plates
accompanying the text were the work of James Sowerby (1757-1822) and were numbered
1-274. A third edition of five volumes was presented in 1832, twenty-seven years
after Woodville’s death. This publication added descriptions of thirty-nine new
plants and was edited and revised by the eminent botanist, William Jackson Hooker
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